Tarot Blog
Welcome to My Tarot Course Blog. I have been on the Tarot path since 2000 and love it. Tarot is my passion and I hope to inspire you with my blog posts to become a better Tarot reader.
The Major Arcana
The Major Arcana cards help you understand life lessons. They are split up into three groups. Each set of seven cards has a special focus.
meaning of the symbols on the 2 of cups
What is the meaning of the symbols on the 2 of cups? It is a card that is traditionally seen as a good omen for relationship questions and about commiting to something or someone we feel strongly about. After all the cups are all about emotions and relations. But what if that is not the only meaning of the card? When you look at...
What is the Tarot
Tarot is the name used for cards that are said to have predictive powers. But what is Tarot really? It is a set of cards that are used to gain insights in your situation and helps you find answers to your questions. This blog explains the basics of the Tarot structure
Knowing what the Angels on cards in the Tarot mean makes it easier to read the cards
Knowing what the Angels on cards in the Tarot mean makes it easier to read the cards. There are cards that have angels predominantly on them and others have them almost hidden away in decorative elements. The Major Arcana cards VI The Lovers, XIV Temperance, and XX Judgement are the cards that show angels prominently. In the Queen of Swords, the VII Chariot, X The Wheel of Fortune and XV The Devil angels are shown in a more subtle way. in this post, I focus on the obvious angels in the Major Arcana cards.
Experiencing The High Priestess Major Arcana Card
High Priestess Working with the Tarot Cards can be done in many ways. One of them is visiting the card during a visualization because it gives you a different perspective and can bring unexpected deep insights when experiencing the High Priestess. And it is fun to do, of course. So, here I tell you about my experience with the...
Spring Layered 2 Card Spread For Balance
At the spring equinox we look for balance in everyting, this layered spread helps you do that.
From Tarot zero to Tarot Hero
Back in 2000 I was anything but spiritual. Working for a software company my mind was working with bits and bytes. Life was simple back then. Go to work and come back home. Doing the regular mundane stuff and enjoy life in general. Over time my work got stressful and I started looking for stress relief, which I found in...
In Arkartia we are
Tarot has been an ever growing art since it came to us in Europe. The past decades a lot of it has been the same. There has been an explosion of decks to choose from, which is lovely, but there wasn't much new in the way we work with the Tarot. This has changed now that Marcus Katz has created Arkartia. A complete new immersive...
Three Simple Principles to Help You Find the Tarot Deck of Your Dreams
Remember the good old days when ice cream came in two flavors? When televisions received just three networks? And when Henry Ford offered customers any color car they wanted … as long as they wanted black? You didn't need three simple principles to help you find the Tarot deck of your dreams back then. Back then, even buying...